Tuesday, 20 May 2014

How one's thirst for leadership might give birth to a pack of haters!

I am an exceedingly hardworking person and i do possess good leadership skills that wit me great success, however, I had barriers or hurdles standing in front of me 6 feet long,that probably covered my whole view. The light which once cast its rays on me turned into shadow, the manifest grandeur started to fade. These hurdles weren't there at the threshold but from the ground of my success emerged out these obstacles like zombies raising their hands out of the graves! spooky?
Now see if you're another person who thinks alike and believes in leadership with yourself as the bold leader then the first thing you need to do is influence people. Yeah, that's so obvious but "Influence" is a very thought provoking and powerful word. Only few people have that spark and that little tinge in their attitudes that compels people to come under their influencing circle.

When you start taking that particular lead you never know how people around you get vexed over your leadership for this is clearly envy, probably some haters want to take your place and it hurts their pride to accept you. Cheers, that is momentous for you cause this clearly illustrates how better you are but at the same time it creates problems, mayhem and fuss. In certain cases it may be your friends enraged at the thought that its you in the focal, who is deciding on all things, who is representing them and eventually making things happen. You believe in yourself cause you are right and adamant on it but whose going to assure it to the rest, who think with their shrunken brains and can't match the uniqueness of your thinking point of view? You yourself! Of course!
Your working, working great!! Stop!! Those around you might call you arrogant, mean and rude. You may have to listen to things like "You don't listen to anybody". Its vexing right? I used to get vexed at such comments by a few not so close friends and rest! Now whats the point?
I learnt how i could be a good leader. I was always a bold and fluent tongue but that influencing power knocked my door when i started to act wise. I started taking suggestions from all to make them feel they are putting up equal efforts in the cause, whatever it would be. You could appreciate the suggestions and consider them later if they suit you right. Endeavor to make your speech more and more influencing. Take more of criticism for yourself and let the credit be distributed to the whole pack, no matter if you don't get that praise, you better praise your self for satisfaction and ultimately you take your team in confidence! Let there be no barriers between you and the rest, always be the consolidating force, learn how to take more work from an enemy then a friend for then you would be a recognized leader! The multiplying pack of haters would start dividing and eventually will come to a halt, you will then have followers! It's a simple strategy, you could produce good from every good and deep thought of yours! Real time experiences prove better then reading qualities under bold headings, one can not know how to implement them unless given some strategy lines. Slight change and positive attitude make leaders for leaders are made not born! We are the coming leaders of our countries, though we are leaders at initial stage or a mere insignificant level but at least we are capable enough to be recognized as "Leaders" from within a crowd if you really are one and act as one.

We have examples of great leaders which is a boastful inspiration for us.

1) Muhammad Ali Jinnah: He led a pack dominant by illiterate people for the completion of Pakistan. His remarkable leadership qualities developed trust in hearts of the people which ultimately led him to succeed in his mission of achieving a separate homeland; Pakistan. Today he stands as the legend of Pakistan.

2) Mahatma Gandhi: He in his unique leading style led his people through the worsened situations of subcontinent and established peace. He stood against the British at times for his rights. Today he is a recognized legend of India.

3)Adolf Hitler: He swiftly lead his people,his country through the World War. Success be fall  him but his leadership examples lead a mark in history.

4)Abraham Lincoln: He proved to be one of the best presidents so far due to his wise leadership tactics.

To become a great leader we need such inspirations.

Be yourself, be the best, be a LEADER.

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